"We all come from somewhere, Glen. Anywhere, everywhere. And what of you? Tell me, what are the origins of Glenford Penfold?"
My name is Ann, and I've been animating since I was 10, but I'm new to Flash. I was born in Dortmund, but moved to Oklahoma for 10 years when I was 6. I studied Architecture at the Univeristy of Maastrict. I love parties, boys, and art! I hope you like!
Age 41, Female
I'm all done. YIPEEE!
Dortmund, Deutschland
Joined on 11/11/07
Posted by DangerMAUS - February 10th, 2008
"We all come from somewhere, Glen. Anywhere, everywhere. And what of you? Tell me, what are the origins of Glenford Penfold?"
Posted by DangerMAUS - November 23rd, 2007
Please check this out guys. There are a couple real gems in this thing. It was organised by a good friend of mine I met a while ago. He's weird, kinda like me. We get along. He's cute and single, btw! (TAKE THAT RYAN!)
Anyway it's a collab of a few animators animating to a rap about zombies. Some of it isn't the GREATEST ever, but look at Ben-Coombs, and MRat and pixelmark's parts. They're not the first though, but they're worth sitting through some of the less spactacular stuff.
I still think all the parts are rather better than half the stuff on here anyway. Alot better than me. Sigh, I'm such an amateur.
Posted by DangerMAUS - November 20th, 2007
I'm almost done Penfold 4. I went back to the original style for now, because when I did the style in Three, I almost murdered my wrist doing such thick outlines. I have a screenshot for you guys, enjoy. I'll update with the link to the episode in a couple hours.
GO NOW: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
Posted by DangerMAUS - November 12th, 2007
It's the latest in the Penfold saga!
Be there or be a regular quadrilateral.
Posted by DangerMAUS - November 12th, 2007
Check it out, there's MORE. Two more to be precise!
That's the way we roll.
Posted by DangerMAUS - November 11th, 2007
Check it out guys, my NEW MOVIE! I worked so freakin' hard on this. Please to be excusing my English though, I am from Germany.
VOTE 5, K?!?111oneonebbq